Des Moines Heritage Trust

Des Moines Heritage Trust

Start Date: 2/15/18

Completion Date:12/31/18

History: 1909 Masonry/wood depot building approx 2000 sqft

Location: 120 E 5th St

Details/Facts/Goals: Historic Restoration of East Side Train Depot and Event Space. We were able to review plans from the same train depot that was built in Ames (later towrn down)

Sq/ft- Units: 1,461 sq/ft historic train depot. 4,984 Events space

Process/Techniques: Event Center- large gluelam timbers with lots of glass windows. Train Depot restored oringal tile floor and rebuilt pavillion

Materials: Heavy Wood Timbers. Permiable Pavers. Zinc metal siding

Architect/Designer: BNIM Architects